
Florian Kiefer

Head of Services Product Management Laser Technology, TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

My passion is in Lasers. I have over 10 years experience with all kind of industrial laser applications ranging from micromachining with ultra-short pulse lasers to welding with multi kW lasers.
I also have over 3 years of experience in managing a laser application lab with multiple engineers to develop state of the art laser processes. Other tasks also include:

- Manage Plymouth, MI and Santa Clara, CA Laser Application Centers and the dedicated groups
- Serve as a technical specialist for laser applications and equipment
- Host customer visits and communicate directly with customers regarding applications and technology
- Communicate efficiently with sales, marketing and management functions
- Be a member of the TRUMPF Laser Technology Center management team
- Mentor customers on process and product details and strengthen their relationship with TRUMPF
- Routine communication with Laser Applications Laboratory in TRUMPF Competence Center regarding new applications, products, ideas, support and training
- Lead application demos for TRUMPF open houses, trade shows and other customer events
- Take part in TUSD management meetings and TUSD strategy development
- Create customer, technical and scientific presentations and represent TUSD in events and conferences
- Develop operations of the laser application center with lean and agile project methods
- Maintain laser application laboratory capabilities to perform at an excellence level, including human resources, personnel development, equipment and facilities
- Develop digital methods for daily operation and management of the LAC
- Coordinate escalations
- Ensure contribution on TRUMPF internal data platforms
- Author technical papers and represent the company in trade journals, trade shows and conferences
- Lead application center preparations for TRUMPF open houses and other customer events
- Be responsible for laser application center cleanliness and daily operations
- Schedule applications work with customer service administrator and work with other functions to assure timely completion of applications
- Be involved and manage longer term customer development projects



„Trusting in brave ideas“ – das ist unser Versprechen an jeden der weltweit 14.767 Menschen, die für unser Unternehmen tätig sind. Grundlage dafür ist unser Familienunternehmen, das für uns nicht nur eine Unternehmensform darstellt, sondern unser gesamtes Denken und Handeln anleitet. Wir entscheiden langfristig und können unseren Mitarbeitern daher das Vertrauen und die nötige Stabilität bieten, auch unkonventionelle Ideen mutig zur Entfaltung zu bringen. Als Markt- und Technologieführer bei Werkzeugmaschinen und Lasern entwickeln wir die Produktionstechnik weiter und wollen sie wirtschaftlich, zukunftssicher und vernetzt gestalten. Mit über 70 Tochtergesellschaften ist die TRUMPF Gruppe in fast allen europäischen Ländern, in Nord- und Südamerika sowie in Asien vertreten.