
Diana Conrad

Squad Lead IoT Strategy & Transformation Projects, Deutsche Telekom AG

Diana Conrad is a highly goal driven, analytic, passionate and barrier breaking individual who aims for the best possible customer experience. She loves to drive the digital transformation and to make the world a more sustainable and healthy place combined with continuous improvements on efficiency in a collaborative way. With more than 10 years of working within the telecommunication industry she has gained various experience during her diverse leadership roles such as Head of Strategy Execution and Squad Lead of Business Steering. Her knowledge and working experience in different fields such as finance, project management, product management and IT helped her gain a variety of insights what motivates different people and how to keep them up to their best possible results.

• The Pop in Your Job: Why do you love your job?

I love to work with people of diverse backgrounds, age and nationality. A working environment with many people is the perfect place for me to grow and learn. So that I can work on becoming the best version of myself each and every day. It is also very important that there is the possibility for me to continuously step out of my comfort zone, to grow and to learn new things and make new experiences. I love innovation and progress but on the same time diversity and sustainability are some very important heart topics for me. I would love to make the world a place in which everyone feels included and loves to give their possible best in a healthy and sustainable way and at the same time embrace all the opportunities new technology such as AI offers for human kind.


Deutsche Telekom AG

Die Deutsche Telekom gehört mit rund 245 Millionen Mobilfunk-Kundinnen und Kunden, 25 Millionen Festnetz- und 21 Millionen Breitband-Anschlüssen zu den führenden integrierten Telekommunikations-Unternehmen weltweit. Sie bietet Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Festnetz/Breitband, Mobilfunk, Internet und Internet-TV für Privatkundinnen und -kunden sowie Lösungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik für Groß- und Geschäftskundinnen und -kunden. Die Deutsche Telekom ist in mehr als 50 Ländern vertreten. Im Geschäftsjahr 2022 haben wir mit weltweit rund 206.800 Mitarbeitenden (31.12.2022) einen Umsatz von 114,4 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet